ProLine™ NG Ties (Narrow gauge) for G-scale track -very often also referred as European ties
100% LGB G-scale compatible
Box (25pcs) of matching G-scale ties from TrainLine45 in 300mm sections for our 5' and 8' (10' are special order) FlexTrack - brass, nickel, stainless steel, and plastic. Tie size, thickness and distance matches LGB ties. The tie spacing matches American Narrow Gauge, and European railroads. The ties are made out HDPE with UV stabilizer, the best material know for lasting outdoor quality. The tie strips have more detail than any other ties in the industry. But what is more important the rail chairs are stronger for better G-scale track gauging and stronger hold.
Type: G-scale Track product
Compatible: LGB Track; Aristo Track; Bachmann Track, Piko Track, AML Track
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